How Will I Cope Once Doggie Goes To Doggie Heaven?

What happens when my doggie goes to doggie Heaven?  This is a question I try not to think about but more and more it becomes more than a passing thought.

Kusi is currently 14 years of age and has lived an amazing life.  She’s in relative good health, although one or two concerns of late.  It makes me wonder just what life would be like when she eventually spreads her doggie wings and flies to the Gates of Doggie Heaven.

The breed of dog is unclear.  Yes, that’s right, unclear.  She came to us as a Lhasa Apso-Chihuahua cross but it has since been pointed out her features are more like that of a Tibetan Terrier.  So that’s what we say she is.

In a few years time, chances are Kusi will no longer be with us.  For that reason, this is her story.  Her memoriam.

Kusi came to live with us in March 2010 at the age of just six weeks.  I’m aware she should have been at least eight weeks but I was keen at the time.  I went to Kusi’s home and was greeted by a cage of five puppies.  All were brown and black.  All that is except this one shining light.  She stood out amongst the crowd.  The white and black puppy.  She was the one.  The one I needed.  She would be my companion.

After Kusi came to live with me, I don’t mind telling you I struggled a lot to adapt and maintain a vibrant, lively puppy.  There were many many times i regretted getting her and even threatened on more than one occasion to send her back.  I wouldn’t do that now of course, but back then struggling to cope, living on my own at the time and looking after an energetic puppy was very hard.

In the early days, Kusi was a funny one.  She made the spare room that we have in the house her own bedroom.  She would wander down the hallway, turn left, go to her bedroom and go to sleep.  She also destroyed a mattress in that room, but we’ll overlook that!

As the years wore on, I did finally get to grips with the care and attention that a puppy/dog required and not a day went by without being with her.  In fact, it’s probably around ten years since we spent even one day apart.  I don’t like leaving her with strangers or even friends.  She doesn’t eat.

Kusi is my absolute world.

When she eventually departs, I don’t know what I will do.  Perhaps I’ll go with her.  I don’t like the thought of living without her.  I cannot stand the thought of going through the pain of losing her.  I’ve thought of going before her, but then she’ll need me in the time she has left.

Can we go at the same time??

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