Creepy Doll Shop Send Abuse To Customers

Notorious dolly shop Mary Shortles have been again caught out using illegal intimidation tactics to catch alleged thieves.

Shortle’s shop in Leeds have illegally distributed CCTV images of customers who they allege to have robbed dolls from their store. On 27th September, a series of images were posted to the company Facebook page showing a dark-haired woman browsing the shop. An accompanying CCTV video was also released showing this same woman passing dolls to a young man./ There was nothing to show any wrongdoings.

Irrespective of guilt or non-guilt, legally a business cannot post CCTV images onto social media. The legal route would be to report the theft to the police and pass any CCTV footage to them. Obtaining personal information of suspects via illegal methods means they cannot do anything with that information.Owner Victoria Shortle has followed this up by commenting that she has received the suspect’s details and she ‘knows about her Facebook page with her son’.

Back in August, we reported on this same shop conducting a nationwide hunt for a 13 year old child. Posting a series of CCTV images of a family who were simply browsing whilst offering no reason nor excuse for the manhunt.

Our own investigation led us to the innocent party concerned and were simply guilty of nothing. Yet Ms Shortle thought nothing of tracking them down, demanding her army of supporters share the images nationwide. These images contained a 13 year old child. Ms Shortle is aware of this but refused to remove the images. She has also been informed of the illegal nature of the her behaviour.

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